Model ETF & Share Investment Portfolios Research
Our research team has tested SiAlpha algorithm on exchange traded funds (ETF) based investment portfolios as well as individual stocks to provide individual investors an extremely effective online application to manage their investments for positive rate of return under all market conditions.
You can view some of research and back-testing of the SiAlpha™ algorithm on ETF structures as below:
2012 – 2014 Testing Data Withheld as company confidential. |
2011 Testing4th Quarter 3rd Quarter 2nd Quarter 1st Quarter |
2010 Testing4th Quarter 3rd Quarter 2nd Quarter 1st Quarter |
2009 Testing4th Quarter 3rd Quarter 2nd Quarter 1st Quarter |
2008 Testing4th Quarter 3rd Quarter 2nd Quarter 1st Quarter |
2007 Testing4th Quarter 3rd Quarter 2nd Quarter 1st Quarter |